Monday, March 19, 2012

New Orleans

I am in love with the city of New Orleans to a nearly pathological degree. I was first exposed to the city (also known as NOLA) via Anne Rice's enthralling Vampire and Witch series of novels, which largely take place in this hypnotizing city. I initially began traveling there to sate the desire to provide visuals to accompany the words in my head. (I have a hard time with visualizing imagery in general.)  As with any addict, the first hit was the strongest, and I have never been the same since. I will always be "chasing the dragon" that is my New Orleans. 

Cemetery detail

Music, architecture, food. Those are all elements of the somewhat alien world of NOLA. Wherever you're from, it won't compare. The thing is, if you are a person who is struggling with establishing your identity, or feel somewhat the outcast, underdog, or just misunderstood, New Orleans embraces that and you will find her welcoming. 

Also, killer coffee. Cafe du Monde is legendary to tourists and locals for its chickory coffee and beignets. Do not wear black clothing to this place: you have been warned. 

Cafe du Monde coffee and beignets

The food: Don't expect small portions. The muffaletta is a beast of a creation, near and dear to my Sicilian roots, but Heaven help you if you are only feeling "peckish":

Central Grocery Muffaletta

I am continually homesick for the place, even though I am a born and bred "Yankee." During my Dietetic Internship (which on some days felt like traversing the ninth circle of Hell), I took some comfort in projects where I could incorporate the flavors of New Orleans. In relatively conservative Connecticut, you can imagine how some of that went over! No matter to me, as I thought there were some that would be "bitten" as I once was, and I was little more than the conduit of knowledge. I'm planning the next NOLA trip for June. 

I will dig out some recipes I used during my Dietetic Internship to share here. 

Comfort food, when it reminds you of a person or place so deeply, transcends the concept of physical nourishment and becomes soul sustenance. Loaded with fat, sugars, and not exactly what a dietitian should be promoting, but once in a while you have to:

Let the Good Times Roll

You can find more of my writing here.

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